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Family Ski News | March 12, 2025

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Pack your (tea) bags

Pack your (tea) bags
Teresa Fisher

School’s out and everyone’s packing for their summer hols.  What home comforts do you pack in your suitcase when  you go abroad?… Almost half of Britons take teabags with them when they go on holiday.


According to a survey conducted by My Travel Cash, it’s the most popular home comfort taken abroad.  One person in five takes coffee, one person in eight takes lavatory paper and one in twenty takes a packet of bacon with them. Four per cent pack a jar of Marmite, and three per cent take a tin of baked beans.

Among other away-from-home comforts in the poll of 1,000 people were Bisto gravy granules, cheddar cheese, vinegar, biscuits, mustard and Oxo cubes.

The survey also revealed that 99% of Britons go on holiday at least once a year, but only a third make any attempt to learn some of the local language when they’re there.

bistoThe top ten travel ‘essentials’ in the survey are:
1. teabags (42%)
2. coffee (20%)
3. biscuits (12%)
4. loo roll (12%)
5. sugar/sweetener (11%)
6. bacon (5%)
7. Marmite (4%)
8. baked beans (3%)
9. mustard (3%)
10. ketchup (2.5%)


Did you know?….the first tea bag was invented accidentally. A tea salesman in the early 1900s discovered that it was possible to make a cup of tea by simply dropping a silk pouch full of tea into hot water.

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