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Family Ski News | March 25, 2025

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FSN’s Top Five Tips for Ski Boot Care

Next season, when you get all your kit out of the loft, you may well be a bit rusty on your skis but at least your equipment will be ready for action if you follow these five simple steps to ensure clean boots, and a comfortable, odour- and spider-free fit for the start of next season:

1) Remove your inner liners from your boots.  Pay careful attention to how you do this – you want to be able to fit them back in easily afterwards and some are trickier than others.

2) It is vital that the liners are properly dried and aired, otherwise your boots may smell or even go mouldy over the summer.  Do not put them in the washing machine or the tumble drier as the heat will distort them.  Leave them to air dry for at least 24 hours.  If the liners are particularly smelly, you can spray them with an antibacterial spray, and leave them to dry naturally.

3) Clean the inside of your shells and make sure they too are thoroughly dry. 

4) Reinsert the inner liners into the shells of the boots and then buckle.  You may want to put your foot in to make sure the liner is in the correct place.  Then buckle or lace your boots closed, to keep your boots in the proper shape.  Be careful also not to over-tighten them. 

5) Cover your ski boots during storage.  If you don’t have a boot bag, use plastic bags or bin bags.  This keeps them dry and dust free (and stops spiders or other insects moving in during the summer months)

Now click here for FSN’s Top Five Tips for Ski and Snowboard Care, and our Top Five Tips for Ski Clothing Care.